Acoustic treatment in a commercial video studio is essential for ensuring high-quality sound recording and minimising unwanted noise and reverberation. Proper acoustic treatment enhances the clarity and intelligibility of dialogue, reduces echo, and creates a controlled acoustic environment. Various types of acoustic treatment materials and techniques offer distinct benefits, and their application depends on the specific acoustic challenges of the studio. Here is a detailed examination of different types of acoustic treatments and their relative benefits.

1. Absorption Panels

Material: Typically made from fiberglass, foam, or mineral wool.


Reduction of Reverberation: Absorption panels are highly effective at reducing mid to high-frequency reverberation, which can muddy sound and make dialogue less intelligible.

Improved Clarity: By absorbing excess sound energy, these panels help create a more controlled acoustic environment, enhancing the clarity and precision of audio recordings.

Versatility: Available in various shapes, sizes, and designs, absorption panels can be strategically placed on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces to target specific problem areas.

Technical Considerations:

NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient): The effectiveness of absorption panels is measured by their NRC rating. Panels with higher NRC values provide better absorption of sound energy.

Frequency Range: Different materials and thicknesses absorb different frequency ranges. For example, thicker fiberglass panels are more effective at absorbing lower frequencies compared to thinner foam panels.

2. Bass Traps

Material: Usually made from dense materials like fiberglass or mineral wool, and sometimes combined with membrane absorbers.


Low-Frequency Control: Bass traps are specifically designed to absorb low-frequency sounds, which are often problematic in smaller rooms due to standing waves and modal resonances.

Even Frequency Response: By mitigating low-frequency build-up, bass traps help achieve a more balanced and even frequency response in the studio, essential for accurate sound recording and monitoring.

Technical Considerations:

Placement: Typically installed in corners where low-frequency energy tends to accumulate, bass traps can also be placed along walls and ceilings.

Effective Range: Effective bass traps should target frequencies below 200 Hz, which are most prone to causing acoustic issues.

Lansons Podcast Studio Set
TTI - Podcast Studio #1

3.  Diffusers

Material: Often constructed from wood, plastic, or specially designed acoustic foam.


Sound Scattering: Diffusers scatter sound waves in multiple directions, reducing the intensity of direct reflections without removing energy from the room. This helps maintain a natural, live quality to the sound.

Prevention of Flutter Echo: Diffusers can effectively mitigate flutter echo (rapid back-and-forth reflections between parallel surfaces), enhancing the acoustic quality of the space.

Improved Spatial Imaging: By evenly distributing sound energy, diffusers enhance the spatial imaging and depth of the recorded audio, making it sound more natural and immersive.

Technical Considerations:

Design and Geometry: Various designs, such as QRD (Quadratic Residue Diffuser) and skyline diffusers, are used to achieve specific diffusion patterns.

Placement: Effective placement of diffusers is typically on rear walls or ceilings to prevent direct reflections from interfering with microphone recordings.

4. Accoustic Clouds and Baffles

Material: Usually made from acoustic foam, fiberglass, or other sound-absorbing materials suspended from the ceiling.


Ceiling Reflection Control: Acoustic clouds and baffles reduce reflections from the ceiling, which can interfere with overhead microphones and degrade sound quality.

Versatile Coverage: They provide coverage in open spaces where wall-mounted treatments are insufficient, particularly useful in larger studios or spaces with high ceilings.

Technical Considerations:

Thickness and Density: The effectiveness of acoustic clouds and baffles is determined by their thickness and material density, affecting their ability to absorb different frequency ranges.

Suspension: Proper suspension height and positioning are critical to maximizing their absorption effectiveness and coverage area.



Effective acoustic treatment in a commercial video studio requires a combination of absorption panels, bass traps, diffusers, and acoustic clouds/baffles. Each type of treatment addresses specific acoustic challenges, from reducing reverberation and controlling low frequencies to scattering sound and managing ceiling reflections. The choice and placement of these treatments should be based on a thorough acoustic analysis of the studio to achieve an optimal balance and ensure high-quality audio recordings. By leveraging the strengths of each treatment type, a well-treated studio can provide a controlled acoustic environment that enhances the clarity, precision, and overall quality of sound in video productions.